Monday, October 01, 2007

Dealin' at da Crossroads

It's time for me to dip my toe into the subject of the Crossroads... which is probably the ultimate "you milage may vary" subject in Hoodoo/ Rootwork.
Perhaps the archetypal myth of Hoodoo is the "bluesman (Robert Johnson being the mythical example) goes the Crossroads to be able to play the blues" one. The closest I'll get to the "pop" version of this myth is saying that the bluesman "makes an exchange" with a negative (as in minus (-) as opposed to plus(+) ) power or entity for his blues-playing ability.

A major question of people who haven't contacted this Power or Entity and, arguably, the major question of Hoodoo "lurkers" and novices is "Who or What Is this Entity/Energy?" I've spent alot of time on this question myself. I asked a lot of questions and expended alot of energy trying to get my head around what this entity was so I could "absorb" it. But of course it doesn't work that way. The Energy had to absorb me- get "possessive" as Mama Djenra put it - for me to "get it".
In fact for me it was and is a multi-stage/mutli-faceted process... dealin'... at the Crossroads.
I share my interpretations of parts of the process that are public knowledge to hopefully aid some others who may be seeking insight into the African-American conception of the Crossroads.
I have to say I speak as a non-Iniatate of ATR's and as someone who doesn't work "Voodoo". Those who have an Ellegua or Lucero. or work with Papa Legba will have a different angle into this. I'm speaking from my overstanding as my Ancestors, Guides and Mentors have taught me.

Eye N I knowledge:
The African-American Crossroads Entity is a TEACHER.
In fact it is proper to say that the African-American Crossroads Entity is a GURU.
He is a Guru whose Power is , as was so beautifully put here , the Power of the Holy Spectrum.
AND He has ALL the Powers a Guru of his caliber would have.
That's really all you need to know about him.

How those Powers man-I-fest is a question of your own Personal Power Pack.


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