Friday, September 07, 2007

Ancestors: the Gateway to God- the Gateway to Power

Spiritually African-Americans are the syncopated repetition of our Ancestors. We are part of a chain, a rhythm. a riff to use the jazz musicians term, that goes all the way back to the First Ancestors, the Ones who lived with and in God. We carry these First Ancestors within us as a Rhythm- as a mode of Living and Being. We contain the same Energy they had, that they lived as a Reality. It lives within us as a seed, as potential waiting to be tapped. Most of us never tap in, never allow the seed to gerninate, grow and flower. We remain unaware, caught, seemingly powerless, never knowing we hold the key for harmoniusly living our lives within ourselves.
The secret of Ancestral veneration is the more we harmonize with our own personal Ancestral lines the more we allow our individual Spark to harmonize itself to the stronger and sublter levels of Force embodied by our Ancestors. This allows us to contact Ancestral Powers closer and closer to the Beginning, Powers that maintain a level of Consciousness far beyond our own. As we harmonize ourself with our own Harmonized Ancestors they Initiate us- they open the door and allow us entry into the modes of Seeing and Being they have accessed. Once the process of Ancestral veneration is established the African Ancestors take responsibility for spiritually directing and teaching us, their descendants.

The Original Rootworkers want us to reconnect with our ENTIRE family-
here and across the waters.
The completion of a Spiritual system for African-Americans should also be the re-introduction to and the re-constitution of an African Ancestral line.

The Original Rootworkers expected their descendents to do the same thing they did when they got to the U.S.
To look to the True Self within for Wisdom and to the Ancestors for Guidance.
To see and use the Powers imbedded in America as tools to Overcome.
And to not see the journey as finished until we find their Spiritual place back home in the Motherland.

This is in my opinion one of the reasons that the African-based spiritual system developed in the United States seems "unfinished" or "incomplete" ritual-wise when compared to some of other African-based Spiritual systems in the Western hemisphere.
The Africans who came to the U.S. did NOT consider take America as their home!
Furthermore, NEVER wanted to be here!
They ALWAYS in their heart of hearts desired to go "back home" .
The story of Ibo Landing testifies to that fact.
AND they want us to continue to look BACK to Africa as they did.
In my opinion the African-American Ancestors did not leave a "finished" ritual system for us here in the U.S. because they didnt regard the U.S. or the situation they found themselves in here as the final spiritual landing place for either themselves or their descendents.
BUT they did give us the tools to Work whatever System we find ourselves dealing with! The Spiritual system they left us here has and does Overcome in situations where many others fail.
Snake 2G says It is the responsibility of all African-Americans who strive to live in Harmony with the Original Wisdom to honor their Ancestral Spiritual bloodlines by re-constituting the Spiritual line broken by the Middle Passage.

This process may re-connect you with Spiritual family in Cuba, Haiti or Brazil.
OR it may require you to carry out the wishes of the "salt-water Blacks" and reconnect DIRECTLY with your Ancestral Bloodlines

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