Sunday, October 02, 2005

prime time

bro. rickydoc gave me some shine today
Thats a good bro. right there. He did what needed to be done net-wise on Katrina and is going to continue to do so after everyone's gone on to the next flavor of the month and is pretty much standing alone right now online as a voice - the voice of REAL rootwork - the way I know and my family would know it's supposed to be done. People seem to have forgotten (or dont want to know) why the word Doctor or Aunt or Sister or Prophet is always in hoodoo/rootwork names.
The problem is I didnt tell him I'd switched my philosophical stuff here and he linked to my personal blog. Oh well. I'll be moving all the rootwork posts from over there over here today and send him the new link. At least it's Oct. and the stuff wont go in the archives.



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