I've been putting together a rootwork booklist. The funny thing is there are actually not many books about rootwork on my list. That's basically because the things I was interested in learning weren't in any of the books on rootwork I had access to. Hoodoo spellbooks are fairly easy to find, especially now with the hoodoo resurgence. But writings on how to think like a rootworker, rootworker philosophy, and what I call charismatic rootwork, which is what I'd say I do if somebody asks me (with the obvious expections of the Hyatt and WPA interviews, which are what 80 years now and Elder Moore's stuff, which is very hard to find ), are pretty much nonexistant. There are many books on metaphysics from an African-American perspective though. But it's my opinion that African- American metaphysics is the child of rootwork philososphy, not the father or brother (or sister). Another issue is if you read enough A-A metaphysical books they start to conflict with each other. I've been doing Yoga for a while now (25 years) so I have my own hard-won insights into how the mind and the universe works. It's been a long time since I wanted or needed 300 pages of someone's else personal theory on how the mind and universe works and/or someone's self-made system of sprirtual technology.
What I became interested in about 10 years ago is the system behind WHO I AM as an Earthly Manifestation as opposed to a Cosmic One. Who I Am on Earth is the person my parents birthed. Who were the people their parents birthed, all the way back to the First Birthing. We're not talking metaphysics now. Were talking IMPLANTING, we're talking about what's been put inside me since the beginning that can't be pulled out. We're not talking High/Low, Future/Past we're talking FRACTAL EXPANSION, design through repetition, we're talking about the same energy that was here when the First Humans were. The masters of Fractal Philosophy and the manipulation of the Energy of Fractal Expansion were born in the place we call Africa and I am a Fractal Expansion of them. Their knowledge, being the root knowledge, is the knowledge that permeates the WHOLE.
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