Friday, September 23, 2005


the title's kinda post-modern, eh?
The black man is in permanent hyper-text mode. That's why so many brothers I know vibe to the to Derrida, Deluze, Guatarri, Barthes, et al. African-Anericans have been constructing 'texts" with found objects that reference Africa and African concepts ever since they got pushed off the boat. Old news to some, it's true. ( WARNING: rant ahead) But apparently whoever wrote the definition of Hoodoo on Wikpedia didnt get the memo. Besides ignoring the elephant in the room concerning WHO started and used Hoodoo until half-way through the definition, they have no clue HOW the pieces fit together or even IF they do, or should. From their definition you would get the idea the Hoodoo just a bunch of heterogeneous ingredients haphazardly thrown together that somehow, "magically" work. Or course it may be too much to ask to expect a (probably) Non-African to think in terms of African hermeneutics, but how can you say everything about it EXCEPT Black people thought it up?
( CONGRATULATIONS! you have successfully negotiated the rant) I just registered with Wikipedia. We'll see how long my changes last... I plan to do my homework and be bulletproof
OK, now that that's over...
The Inner Structure of Tai Chi by Mantak Chia has great stuff dealing with the spiral energy
I have a friend who's Chi Gung teacher thinks Mantak's giving away too many secrets...
sounds like a recommendation to me


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